What's the best IRC network in 2024
(too old to reply)
2024-04-02 18:08:00 UTC
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
2024-04-03 05:22:02 UTC
Post by Kyonshi
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
I'm using irssi. For me, it does the job. (with some extra scrips)
Ottavio Caruso
2024-04-03 08:18:01 UTC
Post by LucLan
Post by Kyonshi
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
I'm using irssi. For me, it does the job. (with some extra scrips)
OP asked for network.
Ottavio Caruso
2024-04-03 08:28:39 UTC
Post by Ottavio Caruso
Post by LucLan
Post by Kyonshi
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
I'm using irssi. For me, it does the job. (with some extra scrips)
OP asked for network.
Network?! Not in the mood for that. But I will say that I use:
- libera for tehnical chat
- undernet for the old time memories

What about you?
2024-04-03 09:58:28 UTC
Post by LucLan
Post by Ottavio Caruso
Post by LucLan
Post by Kyonshi
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
I'm using irssi. For me, it does the job. (with some extra scrips)
OP asked for network.
- libera for tehnical chat
- undernet for the old time memories
What about you?
well, I have my private server and am on a friend's server... but
there's not that much going on on either.
Ottavio Caruso
2024-04-03 13:27:03 UTC
Post by LucLan
Post by Ottavio Caruso
Post by LucLan
Post by Kyonshi
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
I'm using irssi. For me, it does the job. (with some extra scrips)
OP asked for network.
- libera for tehnical chat
- undernet for the old time memories
What about you?
Thanks. I'll avoid those networks now.
Ottavio Caruso
2024-04-03 13:39:29 UTC
Post by Ottavio Caruso
Post by LucLan
Post by Kyonshi
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
I'm using irssi. For me, it does the job. (with some extra scrips)
OP asked for network.
What the fuck is your problem, dude?
2024-04-07 15:49:03 UTC
It's Libera, obviously. But why only join one? Join them *all*. I think
I'm connected to around 30 IRC networks.
2024-04-08 04:28:40 UTC
Post by superkuh
It's Libera, obviously. But why only join one? Join them *all*. I think
I'm connected to around 30 IRC networks.
Which is the scope to connect to all IRC networks?
2024-04-08 12:45:15 UTC
Post by LucLan
Post by superkuh
It's Libera, obviously. But why only join one? Join them *all*. I think
I'm connected to around 30 IRC networks.
Which is the scope to connect to all IRC networks?
I think there are much more than 30. Sez Wikipedia:
"As of June 2021, there are 481 different IRC networks known to be

So... that'll be a lot of connections.
2024-04-07 22:56:12 UTC
Post by superkuh
It's Libera, obviously. But why only join one? Join them *all*. I think
I'm connected to around 30 IRC networks.
I don't have an overview of where stuff actually happens. Where do you
actually chat?
2024-04-08 16:00:40 UTC
Post by Kyonshi
I don't have an overview of where stuff actually happens. Where do you
actually chat?
Depends on what you're interested in. There are non-topical general chat
channels but they're mostly made and occupied only by just people who
met in topical channels. At least the ones I'm in.

I suppose channels like ##electronics are pretty off-topic chatty.

Do a /list and take a look. Or use netsplit.de to search for channels
relevant to your interests that have people.
Borax Man
2024-04-12 10:32:34 UTC
Post by Kyonshi
Not trying to rile up any contentious discussion at all. No sir.
I hang out occasionally on HealthfulChat, it is geared towards mental
health issues but there is a lounge and a philsophy chatroom that is

There is a website which hosts the chat rooms

but is is also accessible by IRC
irc.healthfulchat.org, port 6697

Also IRC Nerds
irc.irc-nerds.net, port 6697
2024-04-12 15:12:02 UTC
Post by Borax Man
Also IRC Nerds
irc.irc-nerds.net, port 6697
Ah yes, the stooges for Mr. King of Korea after his hostile take-over of
Freenode who ruined IRC for everyone by attacking open source project
channels and driving them to Matrix.

And then fled to their shitty little network after that obviously
failed. Cool dudes, certainly.
2024-04-13 19:01:21 UTC
Post by superkuh
Post by Borax Man
Also IRC Nerds
irc.irc-nerds.net, port 6697
Ah yes, the stooges for Mr. King of Korea after his hostile take-over of
Freenode who ruined IRC for everyone by attacking open source project
channels and driving them to Matrix.
And then fled to their shitty little network after that obviously
failed. Cool dudes, certainly.
Ok, there is certainly a story here that I am not quite aware of. I know
Freenode had issues with someone taking it over, but that's as far as I
2024-04-14 12:46:51 UTC
Post by Kyonshi
Ok, there is certainly a story here that I am not quite aware of. I know
Freenode had issues with someone taking it over, but that's as far as I
The irc-nerds people freely chose to act the new network "staff" during
the "prince"s take-over of Freenode. While Mr. "Crown Prince of Korea"
is certainly the major asshole in the death of Freenode the irc-nerds
were his underlings and they were the ones that did the most direct
damage to IRC's reputation for open source projects by taking over major
project channels after decades of stable use. They deserve significant
blame for making IRC less relevant. They have never apologized or
admitting wrong doings. They are bad people.
